MASH 2016

MASH 2016

#MASH 2016 SONIC IMPACT – Suoni e culture post-globali 1 / 2 / 3 dicembre 2016 • MUDEC – Museo delle Culture, BASE Milano, BIKO 4 dicembre 2016 • #MASH off closing party @ BUKA Mondo La “musica del mondo” è una convenzione che attraversa il mercato discografico da ormai trent’anni: nasce...
Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don't DJ

Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don’t DJ

A couple of months ago I stepped across this weirdly brilliant video shot in Düsseldorf in the occasion of the launch of Don’t DJ latest ep “Authentic Exoticism”. Florian Meyer discuss topics such as #Hybridazation and #ExoticismInContemporaryClubMusic together with PhD Thomas Schwarz. Some of you may be familiar with Florian’s work...
Latest entries

Black Surfing Association

Harappian Night Recordings interview

Exactly one year ago I interviewd Syed Kamran Ali, aka Harappian Night Recordings. This was done the day after his performance (solo and with The Hunter Gracchus) at Netmage Festival, Bologna. Time passed and it took a while to edit and discuss again through emails with him. This year’s edition of Netmage is happening exactly...

Lambrate, where the streets have no name

Look at the parking lot.I share this tape found in front of Lambrate railway station, Milan.Couldn’t recognize exactly what it is, the name on it is probably referred to the cassette printing company: ‘Sawt Nassim’, if someone knows more please tell me. download The music inside is probably from Morocco, I love female chorus and...

Alien abduction

A couple of weeks ago I watched Uncle Boonme Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2010) for the second time. I was, again, literally mesmerized.The weird thing is that on the way to the cinema, and then back home, I listened to a tape I bought in Morocco in June by the psychedelic...

Zero live @ Fondazione Pomodoro, Milan

2 DICEMBRE ORE 19 – 23Y.G.W. (live)PALM WINE (dj set) ZERO LIVE AT FONDAZIONE POMODORO via Andrea Solari 35, Milano Y.G.W. (Lorenzo Senny + Simone Trabucchi – live)www.prestorecords.comwww.hundebiss.altervista.orgPALM WINE (dj set)

Good copy Bad copy

Via Dutty Artz

Colombian Picós

PW – Los Picós Sono felice di pubblicare un’intervista di Nicolás Vallejo a Fabian Altahona Romero, pubblicata su Revista Shock di Bogota, Colombia.Ringrazio Fabian Altahona/Africolombia per la disponibilità a tradurre e pubblicare questo pezzo in italiano, che spero contribuisca a diffondere la cultura picotera colombiana. Un grazie speciale a Elisa Sabatinelli per l’aiuto nella traduzione...
Kaleidoscope - annual workshop Episode 2/5

Kaleidoscope – annual workshop Episode 2/5

Workshop – Episodio 2/5 Run Come Inna the Dance 29 NOVEMBRE 2010 ore 18.30Kaleidoscope Project Space, Milano – El Rojo “La Cobra de Barranquilla” picó, Barranquilla, Colombia. Thanks to Fabian Altahona Romero, La dancehall culture jamaicana ha senza dubbio generato forze transnazionali, nonostante rimanga un sistema inscindibile dall’area geografica d’origine e dalle sue tensioni...



HUNDEBISS NIGHT 36MARTEDI 9 NOVEMBRE 2010 SUN ARAWPALM WINE DJ SET 10 PM MAGIA BAR – Via Salutati 2MILANO info:hundebiss@hotmail.it SUN ARAW Se esiste una visione del futuro che si possa ritenere aggiornata al presente di certo non bisogna appellarsi alla contemporanea sci-fi hollywoodiana, così come non si può più sperare nella collana Urania, tanto...