MASH 2016

MASH 2016

#MASH 2016 SONIC IMPACT – Suoni e culture post-globali 1 / 2 / 3 dicembre 2016 • MUDEC – Museo delle Culture, BASE Milano, BIKO 4 dicembre 2016 • #MASH off closing party @ BUKA Mondo La “musica del mondo” è una convenzione che attraversa il mercato discografico da ormai trent’anni: nasce...
Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don't DJ

Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don’t DJ

A couple of months ago I stepped across this weirdly brilliant video shot in Düsseldorf in the occasion of the launch of Don’t DJ latest ep “Authentic Exoticism”. Florian Meyer discuss topics such as #Hybridazation and #ExoticismInContemporaryClubMusic together with PhD Thomas Schwarz. Some of you may be familiar with Florian’s work...
Latest entries

Dub colossus

Have you heard about Sonic Warfare? Blue is King Midas Sound‘s power demonstration, one minute and forty-one seconds of ultra-bass infection… everything is there, from jamaican urban dances to Brixton’s heavy weight meditations. Please play it only on massive soundsystems or good headphones. Steve McQueen, Girls, Tricky, 2001

A good issue of visual anthropology

On today’s New York Times blog, focused on a failed Pablo Delano’s reportage in Honduras.To gladden the reading – or maybe to emphasize the mayan stereotype – I suggest to download this very charming compilation of mayan marimba posted a while ago by Dj Bongo Man on Music City blog. A procession in the department...

Il secondo sapore

Here is my piece (italian) on Netmage 2010, published on Alias/Il Manifesto last saturday. The festival is january 21/23, Bologna, check out the program of the festival here. Click on the image or ‘right click > save image’ to read it

PW bookmark #1

White spots on the map

Cemetery by Carlos Casas recovers adventure films memorabilia and literally put yourself into another, multilayered, world; it is a work in progress on a future film about a cemetery of elephants. Let’s take part in his safari next week at Netmage 10, Bologna.Here follows some clips from the serie Archive Works, I prefer to embed...

Cambodian pop re-enacted by Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever mission is to rediscover cambodian pop from 50s and 60s, pre-Pol Pot regime eras – when Khmer Rouge moved in forbidding every half-cast music influenced by western psychedelic and surf rock.Dengue Fever are actually based in L.A. but their singer Chhom Nimol’s origin is cambodian. Apart from the wonderful atmosphere of their music,...

"I just sing the way I was always taught"

I’ve just finished to read the piece Charmless Man by Line Mounzer on the current issue of Bidoun. It’s about her encounter with an unknown british musician on tour in Lebanon – “let’s call him Ethan”, she says – from whom for the first time she heard of Omar Souleyman, a wedding master of ceremony,...

Palm Wine on Music City

Here is my first contribution to Music City blog, the moroccan tape Soiree au Canada by El Maalem Mahmoud Gania is available for download.

Another tape from ‘Tigray 90, Tigrean Revolutionary Songs’

After the 27, here’s the number 26 from the serie Tigrean People’s Liberation Front Tigray 90, Tigrean Revolutionary Songs. Extremely rare and variegated tigrean music. Get it here.

Palm Wine on Awesome Tapes from Africa

Tigrean People’s Liberation Front Tigray 90, Tigrean Revolutionary Songs This rare cassette from Tigray, Eritrea, which is part of a long series from the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front, was “found in Muna’s grandma’s closet.” I received it from Palm Wine, Italy, who asked that I note it’s origin. Although the sound quality is not great—even...