MASH 2016

MASH 2016

#MASH 2016 SONIC IMPACT – Suoni e culture post-globali 1 / 2 / 3 dicembre 2016 • MUDEC – Museo delle Culture, BASE Milano, BIKO 4 dicembre 2016 • #MASH off closing party @ BUKA Mondo La “musica del mondo” è una convenzione che attraversa il mercato discografico da ormai trent’anni: nasce...
Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don't DJ

Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don’t DJ

A couple of months ago I stepped across this weirdly brilliant video shot in Düsseldorf in the occasion of the launch of Don’t DJ latest ep “Authentic Exoticism”. Florian Meyer discuss topics such as #Hybridazation and #ExoticismInContemporaryClubMusic together with PhD Thomas Schwarz. Some of you may be familiar with Florian’s work...
Latest entries

Ciao duemilaundici

I wanted to list my best picks for 2011 when asked me to do so for them. Here you find the page including other friends’ choices (italian only).Here’s my rewind list, with no particular order. It’s mostly related to music – but it’s enriched with something donated by the www and who digs in...


A couple of appearances in Milan on December. Tonight I’ll be djing for The Nike SB Chronicles Vol. 1 video premiere at Nike Stadium, Foro Bonaparte 50, Milan. There’ll also be the screening of Invernomuto‘s Catch Me When I Fall – Parade, based on skate video footages from the 80s and 90s. On December 15th I’ll...

Palm Wine’s picò work in progress pt. 2

Just received these pictures from Fabian Altahona / Africolombia.My picò is almost done, I’m excited. Master William Gutierrez painted it starting from an excpert from The Palm Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola, read it in my first post. It’s not finished yet. I will have a subtitle on the top saying: “The Awakening of Sound”. Fabian suggested...

Palm Wine / Dj Rupture vs. Maga Bo "Dreamachine / Beyond Digital Mix" ltd. ed. C60 Tape OUT NOW!

Here I am, after five intense months of gestation my tape is finally OUT!It features a mix of fieldrecordings I’ve captured in Morocco last year at the Master Musicians of Joujouka festival on one side, and a mix done by Dj /Rupture and Maga Bo, part of their project Beyond Digital – Morocco on side B....

Just found this on my desktop, no idea where it came out from


I’m reading Cut ‘n’ Mix by Dick Hebdige, finally. I bought it at Subcultures, popular music and social change symposium at the London Metropolitan University about a week ago. I promise I’ll review the symposium soon or at least point at my favorites contributions. I’d like to share an extract from the beginning of the...

Festa Gabbiana

venerdì 23 settembre dalle ore 20 alle 23 via Cadore 26 – Milano Canedicoda – Marsell Goccia sound of Palm Wine 3 special ‘zine del Bomba

Mondo Candido

Il 17 agosto è morto Gualtiero Iacopetti. Quando ho appreso la notizia stavo lavorando a un progetto video con Invernomuto per una grande azienda italiana. Un lavoro sugli archivi storici. Da lì abbiamo estratto un piccolo frammento, che per qualche ragione riverbera il mondo cane di Iacopetti. Eccolo: L’occasione è buona per condividere un altro video...

I’ve been watching you

An italian in Italy

An italian in Italy

Here‘s my first post on – an indipendent network for local and global soundscapes – which I’m happy to be part of. For the occasion I compiled three mini mixes of two songs each, all collected during my last visit in Morocco. Here are the mixes: PW *Salwah-Ahouzar by Palm Wine PW *Jil Jilala-Lemchaheb by...