Dj Mundi Dj Mundi non vive al Cairo, ma ha confezionato un mix strepitoso di Electro Sha3bi egiziana. La lista dei producer è lunga e non corrisponde all’ordine dei brani così come li sentirete: Figo, Amr Haha, Sadat, Fifty, Felo, Tito, ElAlamy, Wezza, Okka, Ortega, Diesel, 2o2la, Islam Chipsy, Mustafa digwi, Dj Adora, Dj Shehta, Dj Mado, Hoba, Abdo, El Zngery, Ghazala, Ageb, Balha, Dj Romeo, Dj Kimnana, Dj Sardena, Rasm.

Di Electro Sha3bi avremo (spero) il tempo di tornare nel blog — per ora riportiamo le note di Dj Mundi:
In arabic ‘al shaab’ means ‘the people’ and shaabi translates to folk or popular music. The term has been used for decades but, in recent years a new generation of producers, rappers and singers have revolutionized the style.. With a few exceptions, the producers and vocalists in this mix range in age from late teens to mid twenties and you can hear all the various influences they’ve incorporated into their sound.. On the one hand there are the samples of traditional egyptian instruments, the hypnotic rhythms of the religious festivals and wedding parties (mulids and mahraganat) and the songs of lament (mawal). On the other hand, the influence of global dance music from hip-hop to reggaeton to electro pop and house music are all present although in this mix i chose to focus on tracks that have a predominantly egyptian flavor.. For the most part, these songs are self produced in tiny back room studios with cracked music software programs and after years of development, these guys are finally starting to get their due..