MASH 2016

MASH 2016

#MASH 2016 SONIC IMPACT – Suoni e culture post-globali 1 / 2 / 3 dicembre 2016 • MUDEC – Museo delle Culture, BASE Milano, BIKO 4 dicembre 2016 • #MASH off closing party @ BUKA Mondo La “musica del mondo” è una convenzione che attraversa il mercato discografico da ormai trent’anni: nasce...
Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don't DJ

Authentic Exoticism, an interview with Don’t DJ

A couple of months ago I stepped across this weirdly brilliant video shot in Düsseldorf in the occasion of the launch of Don’t DJ latest ep “Authentic Exoticism”. Florian Meyer discuss topics such as #Hybridazation and #ExoticismInContemporaryClubMusic together with PhD Thomas Schwarz. Some of you may be familiar with Florian’s work...
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160 bpm

Can’t sleep tonight, making sort of juxtaposions between Chicago’s footwork and South African’s shangaan. Oh gosh, check also out DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn mix for XLR8R.


Recent discovery: ethio-eritrean club in Milan, winter turns better. Here’s just a brief taste… contemporary eritrean and ethiopian music, dancehall, reggaeton and hip hop. Take it as a postcard from from italian northern and extremely racist region.
Kaleidoscope - annual workshop Episode 1/5

Kaleidoscope – annual workshop Episode 1/5

Workshop – Episodio 1/5 The Scramble for Vinyl 25 OTTOBRE 2010 ore 18.30Kaleidoscope Project Space, Milano – Frank Gossner digging in Lagos, Nigeria, from Lagos Disco Inferno press release, Academy 2010. Esiste una comunità globale di esploratori contemporanei che sta cercando di raccontare e archiviare il passato musicale del continente africano. La corsa al vinile,...

Il linguaggio misterioso del tam tam

I found this flexi disc in a second hand shop, enchanted by the design…I would love to translate the lyrics in english… it’s not clear where and when this release came out, but in these times of colonial remembrance sounds familiar. Of course, add a huge amount of irony, please.

Boujeloud rise again

To keep an eye on contemporary african diggers, Frank Rynne’s Joujouka festival dates are fixed. As long as it had been an astonishing experience, I kindly recommend it. The fourth annual festival organised by the Master Musicians of Joujouka takes place in their village of Joujouka/Jajouka from 10-12 June – Boujeloud cave, a picture...

Is Africa a country?

Credo sia coretto introdurre questo post in italiano. E’ una settimana circa che seguo con assiduità un dibattito nato su Africa is a country, in seguito a un post di Chief Boima, dj e blogger ( afroamericano.Il post è molto dibattuto, e questo, di per sè, è già un ottimo segnale. Non sento necessario aggiungere...

Kaleidoscope – annual workshop

Da ottobre 2010 a giugno 2011 terrò un workshop suddiviso in cinque appuntamenti nel Project Space di Kaleidoscope, Milano, a cura di Michele D’Aurizio e Eva Fabbris.Presentazione: Lunedi 13 settembre 2010, ore 18.30 From october 2010 to june 2011 I’ll run a workshop divided in five appointments at the Kaleidoscope’s Project Space, Milan, curated by...

Sarat Maharaj

Here’s an interview to Sarat Maharaj I’ve done in 2008 with my group Invernomuto for Check-in Architecture, a six months project dedicated to the exploration of contemporary european imaginary, on many levels. We took part of the project with a mission in Como (northern Italy) to interview Maharaj after a lecture at Fondazione Ratti, titled...

More on Shangaan Electro – via Marcus Boon

As waves of African diasporic music move back and forth across the Atlantic, futures and past collide. What remains of Afro-futurism today is the possibility of a dancehall, enabled by the internet other global networks, where anything, in any style, can emerge. Marcus Boon scrive queste righe all’interno della recensione di Shangaan Electro su The...

War on stereotypes 2

I was going to add another contribution on the War on stereotypes when I come across a work by Mark Boulos, a double screen installation recently showed at the Berlin Biennale.All That Is Solid Melts Into Air juxtapose Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) rituals and life in Niger Delta to Chicago...